Yesterday one of my dearest friends turned 51.
Also one of my longest friendships. They were 16 when we met.
Here's the thing...we have been through some of life's biggest events. BIG BIG
Births. Deaths. Growing pains, break ups. Marriage, divorce, Heartbreaks, Break downs. Falling into something better, falling together.
We've held each other either physically, spiritually or emotionally through some of the best and hardest of times.
We don't discuss EVERYTHING because our hearts have touched and all communication happens there.
We have an acceptance and love that reaches beyond this lifetime.
If you have friends like that, you cherish that, because it's a rare experience and worth every deep breath.
( Nothing compares, like a sinead song.
And I was up above I'm down in it. Nine inch nails..)
If you can accept we're all Growing, evolving, learning, seeking, and still show up in a time of need- be it talking, listening or hand hearted, open minded...willing to face the hard stuff about ourselves...our humanness, similarities, differences, fears, successes, all the while still feeling love for ourselves and the other...
That right there is a feeling of community.
Always rooting for the wins of others, no matter the distance, differences or everything in between.
I have no space for hate, mistreatment of others, masked as love and acceptance. No room for passive aggressive.
Come to the hands and hearts.
I will always offer a space at my table.
You will not get a personal invitation. You simply come with the best of intentions.

I am back. This is me. ❤️