Small gestures of kindness are profoundly meaningful.
Getting flowers makes my heart soar.
When I go to work and my dear friends and loves in this community pay me a visit, bring me a peace lily, lend a hand (several hands), send flowers, bring home-baked goods, deliver materials, check in on me- because they know I'm probably overdoing it, bring me special little rusty things because they just "know" it sends a wild ride of emotions through my nervous system.
I know it's just what people "do"
Every day I am reminded and learning-that's what community "does"
This is how we connect, support, grow and thrive.
This week as I opened in my new location
A few big obstacles presented themselves.
And we ride the wave of life...right?
As I write this, I realize how much I've learned about living in a small community since moving to Maine.
I know I'm not for everyone here, I'm "too much" and that's ok.
People care about one another.
And I feel that here in the way I felt that in my community in Seattle. At first, my neighbors were skeptical about me, and then...they became my rock solid community.
It's in the heart and soul. That's where goodness resides.
Trust develops over time.
My Sewer backed
up at my studio (Belle), and the team of help to resolve it was amazing. Lots of discovery and problem solving.
I am grateful. I will continue to be in awe of this journey.
I will continue to grow, dream and honor this experience of my decision to move here. And learn from you all.
