Yes, I can. This too shall pass.
Can you look back on ways this relationship hasn't served you because you gave up parts of yourself?
Not in a bitter way, but to give you some threads of hope to regain parts of yourself you set aside?
For me, my memorable dates have become celebrated as my own opportunity for reclaiming ME.
I had to put a positive spin to move forward and change the meaning to find the lessons.
Grief will take as long as it takes, for sure, but you can control some of the effects.
I've learned to see life's challenges as a way to look at my own in, how I handle challenge.
I've definitely felt like a victim in situations, but have come to embrace my power to overcome obstacles with faith that I can grow because there is something greater than myself at work in this world. When I surrender to what is, everything gets easier.
Having gratitude for the small things helps me to get through the difficult times.
For me, that's the absolute difference between receiving joy in life or my soul dying from bitterness.
Art/creativity is therapeutic and helps me process big stuff.
Oh I'm not angry. I'm laughing with red cheeks wondering how I'm capable of such blindness. Everything is good. Truth is just a beautiful thing. I need lots of help growing up
Takes a village
I mean I really get to laugh at myself- and what better way to move through it?
I fear the letting go. The tidal wave of passion I've kept restrained inside of myself cannot be offered to just anyone.
There's a history here that reeks of my own self destruction. I cannot go back to my old ways. So, I stay with myself, the inner journey through my work and life. Taking refuge in simple daily tasks as my form of living meditation.
Each cup washed, every paint stroke, every movement of the shovel. Some might observe this and say I'm hiding or denying myself risk or life's experiences,
I've had many experiences I should have died from and didn't.
I learned who I was at the time, and who I want to be.
Challenges do not elude me, but I choose more wisely now, I guess.
I hid from truth. I look forward to the truth now.
Oh man! A light bulb came on. I shrunk away from its illuminating benefits for a few minutes, hours, days, but then decided it's purpose can't be ignored
Grace. I ask for grace in situations like this.
Disposition to- or an act, grace and kindness, courtesy, or clemency for myself.
Not to cower in shame but recognize my humanity and forgive myself.
I am content with my life, fulfilled and
Being with oneself, deeply knowing, understanding and accepting.
That is the path. What comes along the path from there, is yet to be revealed
Growth is a process
Process is the pathway

Wonderfully said